Link shrinking apps and websites are one of the easiest and most accessible way of earning money online. It is a simple procedure that really works and is sure to start off with small amounts and rise up as you go and make you some good amount of permanent income if you keep on at it. If you are a beginner you need to understand that anything you do requires hard work, consistency, patience and persistence. Internet is one of those mediums that can help you earn big bucks but while you sit at home and make your own hours but for it to work one of the most essential things is to give it time everyday and put in some effort and original content. When it comes to link shrinking apps the best thing is you really don’t need to create any new content. What you need to do is look up content and interesting items. What you need: An essential would be access to a device be it a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop or desktop computer and an internet connection. From there o...