Link shrinking apps and websites are one of the easiest and most accessible way of earning money online. It is a simple procedure that really works and is sure to start off with small amounts and rise up as you go and make you some good amount of permanent income if you keep on at it.
If you are a beginner you need to understand that anything you do requires hard work, consistency, patience and persistence. Internet is one of those mediums that can help you earn big bucks but while you sit at home and make your own hours but for it to work one of the most essential things is to give it time everyday and put in some effort and original content.
When it comes to link shrinking apps the best thing is you really don’t need to create any new content. What you need to do is look up content and interesting items.
What you need:
An essential would be access to a device be it a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop or desktop computer and an internet connection. From there on you need to be able to web surf and find interesting stuff be they web articles, youtube videos, links to interesting games or new websites and apps. Whatever or wherever your interest takes you should be fascinating not just for you but for others as well so that when you share it with them they would willingly open it.
How it works:
It is so simple that once you get a hang of it you will love it just for its ease and the consistent income it can bring. All you have to do is copy a link to suppose a youtube video, paste it to the link shrinker, press the shrink button. when the link has been shrunk share it. When the shared link is opened it earns you money through the ads that get displayed. It is simple and can earn you a good amount of money if done consistently.
How to start:
There are various link shrinking websites, my favorite among those are and I will share the links below to make it easier for you to work with it. All you have to do it go and create an account. Then verify your account in the requisite time and start sharing links. There are a lot of these websites that help shrink links, you can find the links to those below as well so you can go ahead and explore.
You might wonder:
If you are a beginner i understand that there are a lot of questions that you might have and would want to have them answered. To ease the process I will answer some questions that I had as a beginner and let you work from there on.
1. How do i receive my payment?
To be honest if you are in Pakistan this might pose as a bit of an issue because most of these websites and apps pay through PayPal and due to certain issues PayPal does not operate in Pakistan right now. But there is always Payoneer and you can make that account and get paid very easily.
On the other hand if you have a relative or somebody you trust abroad who has a PayPal account or can make one for you well and good you can get that and use it too. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks I will put up a detailed post on how to get payments from abroad but for the time being this should work.
Another method of using PayPal is to pay someone to make an account for you. There are websites online that help Pakistani freelancers or business owners to make PayPal accounts from Pakistan. They charge a certain amount as fee and let you setup your account. I will explore this venue in the upcoming posts as well InshAllah.
2. How do i start working on this?
Simply. Just start. Make an account and make a go of it. If you keep waiting for the perfect time, I am sorry to say, there is no perfect time. It’s now, today. If you really want to do this, if you actually want to do this, you have to start right now. Make an account and just go with it. Even if you do not yet have your payment method sorted out you can plug that later when you have enough earnings to withdraw.
3. Where or with whom do I share my links?
To my mind this is one of the most important questions. Yes I made an account. Finally i took a step and I am ready to make it work. So. Now who am I supposed to share it with? Because honestly I don’t want to be that annoying somebody who spams whatsapp groups with irrelevant uninteresting data, I also don’t want to be that person who sends so many messages that nobody even notices when they are actually sending something important. This is a very important question that everyone needs to consider before doing this work.
Do not despair. The solution is simple too. All you have to do is look up the WhatsApp groups app in your smartphones app store and join a couple of those groups. Yes they will charge you a minimal fees but you can post some really good relevant stuff on it and considering there might be 100 or more members on each group you will get enough opened links to make you a substantial amount and once the audience in these groups starts liking the stuff you might be sharing then you have better chances of making a consistent income for yourself.
Not just messages but you can make blogs and share these posts there or you can share them on Facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter or snapchat. To share on Facebook though you need to have a blog where you post a link and then share the blog post link on facebook.
The train of social media is something that a lot of us have the opportunity to get on so lets work together and make this work for us all. For Pakistan specifically the best link shorteners are and because they allow payment through Payoneer which works with banks in Pakistan as compared to only PayPal.
To make it easier for you I am sharing various links below. You can go through them and get a good idea as to how this works. There are numerous videos and links online for more research that you can use if you think you need to know something or you can ask any other questions below and I will help as much as I can. Also I have been through a lot of the internet resources so I am just sharing the ones I like best and think are most informative.
Please like, share and comment on this post to let me know what you think. If there is anything you would like me to share do let me know so I can post it in future.
See you later and take care.
Bye till then.
The links below shows a youtube video to explain how link shrinking works. Do follow and go through these.
Disclaimer: One thing to keep in mind is that nothing can earn you instant money so handwork is the key to success in any work you do. Be prepared.
When you start looking for online work, you will face a lot of scams. To save yourself some grief make sure you never log on to any website or join any application or page or group that asks for any kind of upfront fees, be it $7 or $77.
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